
100% recyclable, re-usable and adaptable packaging solutions for a range of market sectors.

Including: Board sports, drinks, automotive, homeware and lighting Easy to assemble Flexi-Hex is designed to be user friendly and reduce the time and materials involved in packaging boards.

Environmentally Friendly

Its implementation into the packaging stream displaces a considerable amount of plastic waste and benefits users via a multiple-use lifespan. Cardboard is not only affordable, accessible, lightweight, and completely recyclable, it is also surprisingly strong and durable.

The sleeves are designed to not only protect the rails but the deck, nose and tail. Flexible Sizing The hexagonal cellular structure allows flexibility to fit almost any shape board. The honeycomb geometry expands to create a sleeve 35 times wider than its compressed form. To allow for varying sizes, Flexi-Hex is made of open ended modular sleeves cut to size and fixed at the joining point.

Cost Efficient

Flexi-Hex intends to reduce the costs involved in packaging through efficient use of materials and time. The benefits will accrue throughout the supply chain due to better protection, the ease of unpacking boards at retail and the fact that board riders can reuse the sleeves. Reusable and Adaptable The strength and design of Flexi-Hex allows for a multi-use lifespan, ensuring the safe transportation of boards to their destination. Upon arrival, board riders will not only benefit from a new board but from a protective sleeve that can be used multiple times.